Welcome to McKibbin Consulting

McKibbin Consulting was established in 2010. McKibbin Consulting is based in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, and is a one of a kind business that was developed to provide companies with the tools to grow their business and think OUTSIDE the box. McKibbin Consulting is staffed with a highly dedicated, skilled experienced professional. Our success is based on long term relationships with companies in various industries.

Who would be a key McKibbin Consulting client?

  • Companies that have eliminated their sales team
  • Companies that do not have the budget for a full-time Business Developer
  • Companies that need or want additional help for their sales team
  • Startup Companies
  • Companies that want to reach new markets
  • Companies that want to use new networking strategies

If this sounds like YOU, let’s work together to make your business a greater success!

Call: 412-498-3572 or click here to E-mail

Video Testimonials

Bea Spolidoro | 2022 AIA Pittsburgh President | Principal at Fisher ARCHitecture

Megan (White) Altemus | VP / Corporate Banker | First Commonwealth Bank

Marc Schwalb | Strategic-Partner | Schooley Mitchell